What is the Parents As Teachers Program?
The Platte County Parents as Teachers program helps support and educate parents. Being a parent can be a complicated and sometimes a stressful job. The Platte County Parent Educators provide parents the knowledge and skills to empower them as parents, as you are your child's first and most influential teacher.
Our services are designed to help you learn more about parenting and your child's development, help you cope with the challenges of family life, and help identify and address any potential delays in your child's development. Together, you and the parent educator will focus on ways you can interact with your child to support his or her development, work through your parenting questions and concerns, and build a healthy environment for your child. Parents as Teachers is a free and voluntary program designed to help district families prenatal to school age.
Home Visits
Parent Educators schedule monthly visits to the homes of participating families. During these visits, Parent Educators provide helpful information while observing and encouraging their child's development. Information is shared in the form of handouts, community resources, and developmentally appropriate activities.
Group Connections
Group Connections are designed to offer opportunities for parents/caregivers and children to come together to participate in a variety of fun, hands-on learning activities. In addition, parents are given the opportunity to build relationships with other families in the community. Group connections are scheduled throughout the school year and may take place during the day or evening time.
Parents as Teachers facilitate a yearly ASQ (Ages and Stages Questionnaire) and ASQ: SE to screen social/emotional development. Children are screened for language, motor, cognitive, and social development. These screenings can help parents identify any potential concern before it becomes an obstacle to the child's development. If additional help is needed, the PAT staff provides referrals.
To sign up for the Platte County R-3 School District Parents As Teachers Program, please complete the registration form linked below or call Great Beginnings at 816-858-5420 x. 2200 for more information.
Parents As Teachers Enrollment Form
PAT Enrollment Form
Our program operates during the school year. If the enrollment form is completed and returned during summer months, you'll be contacted by a parent educator once the school year starts.
Our Parents As Teachers Educators
Please visit our Facebook page at Platte County Parents as Teachers for additional information about our program.