Treasure Chest

Treasure Chest Support

The PCR-3 Treasure Chest provides groceries to assist families who qualify for Free or Reduced Meal Plans. Qualifying families will receive a weekly form via email to sign up or call 816-858-7001 for assistance, so we can appropriately plan for resources.

Families will receive an email with approval to come to the Treasure Chest on Wednesdays from 4-6pm at  the Treasure Chest site (south side of Paxton building).


Treasure Chest Logo The Treasure Chest is a stocked resource center providing food, milk, and toiletries for PCR-3 students and families in need. This resource center is an idea born from the collaboration of PCR-3's social workers, pupil services staff, and interested parent and community volunteers. This resource center opened in the summer of 2015.

The Treasure Chest resource center provides opportunities to various stakeholders. District Social Workers identified a greater need for resources designated for the whole family, beyond the child we see every day in school. The facility serves three inter-related purposes; a place for our community members to give and support our families in need, a place for PCR-3 families who are disadvantaged by their economic situations to get necessary items, and a place where volunteers can provide assistance in operating the center.

The center also serves as a worksite for special education students in a transitional program. These students practice various employability and life skills in the resource center, such as merchandising, daily living activities, sorting/arranging, visual and spatial math skills, and managing their environment.

Appointments can be made by contacting any PCR-3 social worker or the Pupil Services Department:

Student Services Department 816-858-7001
Tori Bond, Platte County High School 816-858-2822 x. 1278
Katie Powers, Platte City Middle School 816-858-2036 x. 2616
Sarah Mays, Platte Purchase Middle School 816-436-1433 x. 3405
Dene't Wyckoff, Siegrist Elementary 816-858-5977 x. 1443
Whitney Coats, Compass Elementary 816-858-0172 x. 4006
Madi Lisle, Pathfinder Elementary 816-436-6670 x. 3206
Micah O'Donnel, Barry Elementary 816-436-9623 x. 3104


Donations to the Treasure Chest are accepted in each PCR-3 building. Items of greatest need include:

  • Shelf-stable food (not expired)
  • Personal care items (toiletries, diapers, etc.)
  • Laundry and dishwashing soap

Follow the Treasure Chest on Facebook to learn of immediate needs.

Contact Student Services for more information (816-858-7001).