As we know, winter weather can cause disruptions to our District’s academic calendar and student learning. The state of Missouri offers options for how school districts can address inclement weather days. Missouri districts can use traditional snow days or Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI Days).
For the 2024-25 school year, PCR-3 will implement Inclement Weather Virtual Learning Days for the first five canceled school days. These days will not need to be made up. See the questions and answers below for more information and details on this plan. Any additional canceled school days may be waived, or may need to be made up (added to the academic calendar).
Why has Platte County School District decided to develop an Inclement Weather Virtual Learning Day plan?
With an abundant amount of days lost to inclement weather in recent years, and because PCR-3 is a one-to-one district (where all of our students have devices), it was determined in Spring 2020, to explore this option. An AMI application was submitted by District leaders and approved by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Any Inclement Weather Virtual Learning Day would not need to be made up at the end of the school year. Feedback received in recent years from our families shows that they would prefer to have the regular school year not go into June. The inclement weather make-up plan helps us toward that preference.
Will all days in which school is canceled due to inclement weather not be made up?
PCR-3 will implement Inclement Weather Virtual Learning Days for the first five canceled school days. These days will not need to be made up. Any additional canceled school days may be waived, or may need to be made up (added to the academic calendar). We are allowed up to five AMI days.
What if school is canceled for an extended period of time?
In the event that the PCR-3 is closed for an extended period of time (6 consecutive school days), we will put Inclement Weather Virtual Learning Days Extended or AMI X into effect. This is a long-range plan to allow for your student’s continuous learning.
How will families be notified?
Families would receive an alert from the Director of Communications, via text and phone call as we have done in the past, and information would be posted on our District website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the District Hotline (816-858-2752), and local media.
We will do our best to anticipate these inclement weather days in order to give advance notice to our families. In the event that the school closing notice is provided with little notice, we would like to make sure your student has the necessary technology tools available to engage in the learning.
How would an Inclement Weather Virtual Learning Day look for my child?
Educational opportunities will be provided by the classroom teacher. All students will receive their assignments through their teachers’ Google Classrooms and/or Canvas. Student attendance will be verified by participation in class virtual meetings and/or work completion.
- Elementary students will engage in opportunities that extend their current learning. No new learning will be part of an AMI day. In addition to Reading and Math, choice boards will be provided for the 2024-25 school year in both Real World Learning and Specials. Students can pick one activity off of each choice board.
- Secondary students will engage in opportunities that extend their current learning. No new learning will be part of an AMI day. Students will log on to meet with their teachers during the time slot corresponding to the schedule below. In other cases, students will not meet directly with teachers.
Below is the learning schedule for students on a virtual learning day.
What if my child has an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) or 504 Plan?
Please refer to your child’s IEP, Form G Distance Learning Plan-Communication, for specifics of your child’s services and therapies during an AMI day. Your child’s case manager/therapist will communicate with you after the notification of an AMI day has been made.
If you need accommodations with the general curriculum related to your child’s 504 plan, your school counselor can assist you.
What are the expectations for students during AMI days?
- Students/Families should check Google Classroom/SeeSaw/Teacher Newsletter for announcements/updates from teachers
- Students should join Google Meet for their class meeting time
- Students should be dressed in appropriate clothing
- Students should complete assigned activities
- Students should ensure they have their device charged when they return to school
- Students should be prepared to share their learning from the AMI day
- Special Education students will attend Specially Designed Instruction in the afternoon aligned to Form G of their IEP.
- Students should check Canvas/for announcements/updates from teachers
- Students should sign-on to Canvas to check for coursework
- Students should join Google Meet at the start of each class
- Students should be dressed in appropriate clothing
- Students should ensure they have their device charged
- Special Education students will attend Specially Designed Instruction in the afternoon aligned to Form G of their IEP.
What if my child does not have access to the internet at home?
If your child does not have internet access at home, you are encouraged to contact your child’s school social worker so that accommodations can be made to have internet access available.
Who should I contact if I have questions about the Inclement Weather Virtual Learning Day assignments?
Students/families are encouraged to contact their classroom teacher or building principal with additional questions.