Reading Services

Program Descriptions

Reading Support

The Reading Support Program is a supplemental reading program designed to help children improve their reading skills. The program is designed to provide targeted kindergarten through fifth grade struggling readers with supplemental reading instruction. Our goal in Reading is to help students become fluent readers in a small-group, safe, and flexible environment in order to promote lifelong readers. Reading support is "in addition to" the everyday English Language Arts program instruction in the classroom, a "double-dose" of reading each day. The reading teacher and the classroom teachers frequently communicate as they constantly monitor and evaluate the student's progress in order to individualize instruction. Students receive reading services for 30-45 minutes daily. Title I funds are used to assist in supporting this program on the South Campus.

Read 180

READ 180 is an intensive reading intervention program that helps educators confront the problem of adolescent illiteracy and special needs reading on multiple fronts, using technology, print, and professional development. The program directly addresses individual needs through differentiated instruction, adaptive and instructional software, high-interest literature, and direct instruction in reading, writing, and vocabulary skills.

Reading Services Staff

Jamie Klingenberg
Jamie Klingenberg
Siegrist Elementary
Melanie Duddy
Melanie Duddy
Siegrist Elementary
Amy Cardwell
Amy Cardwell
Compass Elementary
Ann Marie Cannedy
Ann-Marie Cannedy
Compass Elementary

Jennifer Wright

Jennifer Wright
Pathfinder Elementary
Blaire Zessin
Blaire Zessin
Pathfinder Elementary
Kathy Smith
Kathy Smith
Pathfinder Elementary


Read 180 Staff

Wendy Assel
Wendy Assel
Platte County High School

Angela Straubel
Angela Straubel
Platte City Middle School

Erica Cook

Erica Cook
Barry School

Ann Marie Cannedy
Ann Marie Cannedy
Compass Elementary