2025 Bond Program Proposed Projects

Phase 2 of PCHS Rebuild
As part of PCHS’s master plan, all areas of the school will be rebuilt or improved to support the learning environment and address facility issues that have come with an aging building. This project is a continuation of Platte County High School Phase 1, completed in 2022. Phase 2 involves the remaining construction of the classroom wings (50 total classroom spaces are part of this phase) as well as administrative areas, and includes the demolition of the existing high school, except Wilson Auditorium. It will also include improvements to vehicular and pedestrian traffic on the site and access to the school.

Platte Purchase Site Amenities
The Platte Purchase Activities Complex will gain a new concession stand, restrooms, and storage facilities

Improvements to Barry and Pathfinder Elementaries
A new playground at Pathfinder Elementary will be built, featuring both hard and soft play areas with fencing. Pathfinder’s existing playground is set for remodeling in the summer of 2026 using capital improvement funds. After the remodel, this playground will be designated for use by Barry Elementary students, who currently use the YMCA’s Challenger Field for recess.

Compass Elementary Parking Expansion
Parking will be expanded at Compass Elementary from 114 to 202 stalls to improve traffic flow during arrival and dismissal and provide additional parking to accommodate community events.
Ballot Question
Shall Platte County R-III School District issue its general obligation bonds in the amount of $62,000,000 for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, repairing, rebuilding, renovating, furnishing and equipping new and existing school sites and facilities, including:
- completing Phase 2 of rebuilding Platte County High School, creating a consolidated high school building with all classrooms and programs under one roof,
- constructing site amenities at Platte Purchase Middle School activities complex,
- constructing playground facilities at Pathfinder Elementary School, and
- making hard surface improvements at Compass Elementary School to expand parking and improve traffic flow and safety?
If this question is approved, the District’s debt service property tax levy of $1.1789 per $100 of assessed valuation of real and personal property and the District’s overall tax levy is estimated to remain unchanged.
Where can I get more information?
Visit the Frequently Asked Questions page or attend an Informational Meeting:
- March 3, 6pm, Platte Purchase Middle School Flex Space
- March 11, 6pm, Platte County High School Cafeteria