Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that isn't listed, you can submit your own, by clicking here, or contact the District Education Center at 816-858-5420.

What projects are included?

  • Phase 2 of PCHS Rebuild: As part of PCHS’s master plan, all areas of the school will be rebuilt or improved to support the learning environment and address facility issues that have come with an aging building. This project is a continuation of Platte County High School Phase 1, completed in 2022. Phase 2 involves the remaining construction of the classroom wings (50 total classroom spaces are part of this phase) as well as administrative areas, and includes the demolition of the existing high school, except Wilson Auditorium. It will also include improvements to vehicular and pedestrian traffic on the site and access to the school. 
  • Platte Purchase Site Amenities: The Platte Purchase Activities Complex will gain a new concession stand, restrooms, and storage facilities.
  • Improvements to Barry and Pathfinder Elementaries: A new playground at Pathfinder Elementary will be built, featuring both hard and soft play areas with fencing. Pathfinder’s existing playground is set for remodeling in the summer of 2026 using capital improvement funds. After the remodel, this playground will be designated for use by Barry Elementary students, who currently use the YMCA’s Challenger Field and play area for recess. 
  • Compass Elementary Parking Expansion: Parking will be expanded at Compass Elementary from 114 to 202 stalls to improve traffic flow during arrival and dismissal and provide additional parking to accommodate community events.

How were the projects determined? 

The four priority projects were identified in the latest update of our Long-Range Facility Plan, approved in July 2023. The Long-Range Facility Plan Committee has prioritized future facility considerations into 1-5, 6-10, and 11-15 year time frames. 

What is a “Zero Rate Change Bond Issue”? 

A bond issue is a way for governmental entities, such as school districts, to borrow money for large projects at today’s construction costs and today’s interest rates and repay them with future tax proceeds. A bond issue is similar to a home loan, but generally on a shorter repayment schedule (20 years).

How are we able to do this without a tax increase?

The proposed April 2025 Bond Program will be presented with zero change to the current tax levy because of a combination of effective financial management and strong growth in our tax base. The District generates revenue by multiplying our tax rate (currently $5.0193) per $100 of total assessed valuation. Revenue can only increase with either a tax levy increase or tax base (assessed valuation) increase. Because our tax base is increasing and is projected to continue, we do not have to increase our tax levy to finance these projects.

Enrollment History and Projections GraphHow much has the student population grown? What are the enrollment projections?

In the last 10 years, the District’s enrollment has increased by more than 450 students. PCR-3’s 2024-25 enrollment is 4,349 K-12 students (4,420 including PreK), as of the official count date (the last Wednesday in September). This equates to a 1.5% increase over last year’s enrollment. Click here for information on our enrollment projections, including the latest update from our demographer. 

Why are we rebuilding and not renovating PCHS?

After architects and engineers conducted a facility condition assessment of Platte County High School, it was determined it would be more cost-effective to rebuild the facility rather than renovate in place. The facility condition assessment included an analysis of the site, building envelope, structural and mechanical components, building maintainability, safety and security, and educational adequacy. Additionally, rebuilding allows for better phasing of the facility improvements while not displacing students and staff during the construction process. 

When was Platte County High School Built?

The original (northernmost) part of the building opened in 1963. The stadium was added in 1974. In 1980, a 6-classroom addition on the south end of the original building opened. In 1991, the second iteration of Platte City Middle School (we’re now on our third iteration) opened. This building is now the southern part of PCHS (from the Welcome Center south). In 1998, a no-tax increase bond issue was passed which included the following for PCHS: air conditioning, a 6-classroom addition, auditorium, multi-purpose room, and various renovations. In 2001, the Wilson Auditorium opened, and the stadium underwent renovations including installing retired seats from Kauffman Stadium as well as a new press box, track, and PA system. In 2001, a no tax increase bond issue also passed which included PCHS music rooms and cafeteria expansion. In 2004, a bond issue was passed which connected the then PCHS to the then Platte City Middle School to create one high school with 45 classrooms. In 2008, an additional music room was added. Paxton School (originally built as a middle school in 1974, with other renovations and additions) was annexed with renovations in 2015 to become part of PCHS. 

What is the timeline for construction?

The projects are currently in the schematic design and design development process. If the bond issue is approved by District voters, the projects are anticipated to follow the timeline below:

  • Phase 2 of PCHS Rebuild: Completion is planned for January 2027. Phasing for this project is planned in the following stages:
    • Summer 2025:
      • Deconstruct the southern part of PCHS, including the media center, administrative areas, band/vocal/art/theater classrooms and “horseshoe” classrooms
      • Expand student/staff parking and access to the bus loop entrance
      • Move band, vocal, art, theater classrooms to Paxton Center
      • Relocate “horseshoe” classrooms and administrative areas to the northern part of PCHS and available open spaces in PCHS Phase 1
    • During 2025-26 school year:
      • PCHS Phase 2 construction begins
    • Summer 2026:
      • PCHS east parking lot reconfigured for improved traffic flow and additional parking
    • December 2026:
      • Complete construction of PCHS Phase 2
      • Occupancy planned for January 2027
    • Second Semester 2027:
      • Deconstruct northern part of PCHS
      • Construct new north parking lot
      • Construct improvements to Pirate Stadium (new concession stand and restrooms);
      • Complete new entrance to Wilson Auditorium
  • Platte Purchase Site Amenities: Completion planned for August 2025.
  • Pathfinder Playground Improvements: Completion planned for August 2025.
  • Compass Elementary Parking Improvements: Completion planned for August 2026. The District is coordinating with the City of Platte City on the timing of this project to align with other planned improvements to Kentucky Avenue.

Will students be displaced during construction?

Students and staff at PCHS will relocate to classroom spaces created by Phase 1 of PCHS Rebuild, along with classrooms in Paxton Center and the northern part of PCHS, during construction. 

When will the District build another high school?

When the District will build another high school is not determined by date, but by need based on student enrollment as well as financial feasibility. Within our Long-Range Facility Plan planning criteria, the optimal high school size (enrollment) for student/staff success and operational efficiency is 1,400-1,600 students. The District was gifted approximately 80 acres near Highway 152 and Platte Purchase in 2017. Platte Purchase Middle School opened on this site in 2022, and the site has been master planned to also include a future second high school when enrollment and financial feasibility dictates.

Tax Levy Comparison GraphicWhere does our tax levy currently rank compared to other districts? Where will it rank if this bond issue passes?

The District tax levy is $5.0193, in the lower half of area districts, as shown in the graphic below. The total tax levy rate is composed of $3.4624 for incidental/operating, $1.1789 for debt service and $0.3780 for capital projects. This rate is applied to $100 of assessed valuation. Source: DESE. As this is a zero rate change bond issue, Platte County School District tax levy will remain the same if this issue passes.

What is Platte County School District’s tax rate history?

The district’s total tax rate has remained unchanged since 2019, when it was lowered from $5.0439 to $5.0193. The district’s tax rate history since 2018 is shown in the table below.

PCR-3 Tax Levy History Graph

When is the election?

The election is April 8, 2025.

How do I register to vote?

Patrons may register to vote at the Board of Elections office or at any PCR-3 building. Persons can also register by mail through

When is the last day to register to vote?

The deadline to register for the April 8, 2025 election is March 12, 2025.

Where do I vote on April 6?

Your voter registration card will indicate your polling location. You may also visit the Missouri Voter Outreach to find your polling location.

What else is on the ballot?

Platte County School District Board of Education Member elections are held each April at the General Municipal Election. There are two, 3-year terms to be elected.

What happens if the bond issue doesn't pass?

If the ballot measure does not pass, we will utilize our current facilities. The high school will continue to operate across three separate buildings (Phase 1 of the new building, the existing high school, and Paxton Center). Safety and security will remain a priority while students move between these buildings, and the District will continue maintaining its existing infrastructure. As our student population grows, we may need to consider using portable classrooms or gradually redirect annual capital improvement funds to remodel areas and create additional instructional space. At Compass Elementary, we will continue to collaborate with Platte City police to maintain efficient traffic flow within the existing limitations. At Platte Purchase Middle School, we will continue using portable restrooms and will not be offering event concessions. For Pathfinder and Barry Elementary Schools, students from Barry will continue to walk across the street to Challenger Field and the YMCA playground for recess.