Proposed Projects

Phase 2 of Platte County High School Rebuild

PCHS Phase 2 Exterior Main Entry RenderingThis project is a continuation of Platte County High School Phase 1, completed in 2022, which included consolidating dining into a single cafeteria, and constructing a two-story, 26-classroom wing, as well as the Pirate Fieldhouse, locker rooms and supporting spaces. Phase 2 involves the remaining construction of the classroom wings and administrative areas and includes the demolition of the existing high school, except Wilson Auditorium. It will also include improvements to vehicular and pedestrian traffic on the site and access to the school. 


Wilson Auditorium New Entrance RenderingThis phase introduces specialized classroom spaces such as the media center, family and consumer sciences, marketing, business, and Project Lead the Way (engineering). The project includes a new performing arts wing situated near the Wilson Center for the Performing Arts, with expanded art, band, and vocal rooms, a new black box theater, and a more public-facing entry to the auditorium. Additional standard classrooms will also be built; 50 total classroom spaces are part of this phase.

The design will improve natural light, wayfinding, and spaces for expanded curriculum. With the completion of this phase, Platte County High School will be a consolidated high school building with all classrooms and programs under one roof.

Platte Purchase Site Amenities

Platte Purchase Site Amenities RenderingSpectator seating was added to Platte Purchase Middle School’s track and field in the summer of 2024. A field building is planned with concessions, restrooms, and storage for activities equipment. The Platte Purchase Middle School site is part of a larger tract of land gifted to the District that has been master-planned to house a second high school in future years.   



Pathfinder and Barry Elementary Improvements

Barry and Pathfinder Site Improvements Site PlanVarious improvements to Barry and Pathfinder Elementaries have been prioritized in the District’s 1-5 year recommendations, with some projects funded through annual capital outlay. This past summer, the expansion of Pathfinder’s parking lot as well as interior renovations and site fencing at Barry were completed.

A new playground at Pathfinder Elementary is in the design phase and will be included in the April 2025 bond proposal. The District’s architect has actively engaged with both students and staff to incorporate their input. Once built, the new playground will be located south of Pathfinder Elementary and will feature a mix of hard and soft play areas along with fencing.

Pathfinder’s existing playground is set for remodeling in the summer of 2026 using capital improvement funds. After the remodel, this playground will be designated for use by Barry Elementary students, who currently use the YMCA’s Challenger Field and play area for recess.

Compass Elementary Parking Expansion

Compass Elementary Parking Expansion Site PlanEighty-eight additional parking spaces are planned for the east side of the existing upper-level lot at Compass Elementary. This expansion will improve traffic flow during arrival and dismissal by allowing for a 91-vehicle queue. The added parking will also accommodate more visitors during community events at the school.