Platte County R-3 School District Boundary Map

Please click here to view a map of the Platte County R-3 School District boundaries.

Generally speaking, if the district transportation department is provided with the exact address and a description of where that address is located, an immediate determination can be made as to whether the address is in the Platte County R-3 School District or not. In some rare cases, where addresses fall literally "on the boundary" line of the Platte County R-3 School District to neighboring districts, contacting the Assessor's Office in the appropriate county (Platte or Clay) would be advisable. The Assessor's Office can provide the inquiring party the answer as to which school district receives taxes from the property. The telephone number of the Platte County Assessor's Office is 816-858-2232 and the telephone number of the Clay County Assessor's Office is 816-792-7664.