April 2024 Prop C Waiver/Levy Transfer

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April 2, 2024 No Tax Rate Increase Prop C Waiver and Levy Transfer

Thank you for visiting PCR-3's 2024 No Tax Rate Increase Prop C Waiver and Levy Transfer webpage. All content on this site is intended for informational purposes only. Additional information and answers to Frequently Asked Questions will be added. If you have a question, please contact Laura Hulett at [email protected].

Restructuring the tax rate will allow the District to allocate resources to better attract and retain quality staff and enhance safety and security with zero change to the total tax rate.


Proposition C Waiver and Levy Transfer Information

This question, if passed, would authorize Platte County School District to increase the Operating tax levy by a total of $0.35. The District would concurrently reduce the Debt Service levy by $0.35, resulting in zero-tax-rate increase.

This zero-tax-levy-increase Proposition C waiver and levy transfer would result in an increase in annual operating funds and could grow based on growth in our assessed valuation.

This proposition will appear on the April 2, 2024 ballot and will require a simple majority (50 percent + 1) to pass.

Pending voter approval, this proposal will allow the District to allocate resources to: 

  • Better attract and retain quality staff, and
  • Enhance safety and security

Why is the District Requesting This Change?

The Board of Education voted in December 2023 to place this proposal on the April 2024 ballot to address the priority of attracting and retaining high quality staff. This has been an identified priority of our District’s stakeholders as shown in the table below of our “Stakeholder Requirements Survey,” conducted every five years.Table of answers from Stakeholder Requirements Survey

What is Proposition C?

The Missouri School and Highway Tax Proposition, also known as Proposition C, was on the November 2, 1982 ballot in Missouri as an initiated state statute, where it was approved. The measure supplemented school and highway funds by an additional one cent on dollar sales and use taxes. The measure also reduced property taxes for schools by one half of the additional sales tax revenue received by schools unless local residents voted to waive the required rollback.

What is a Full Proposition C Waiver?

A Proposition C Waiver is an approval by local voters to waive the rollback applied to their operating tax levy. Of the 518 school districts in Missouri, 468 (91%) have fully waived and 24 have partially waived their Proposition C rollback. Platte County School District is one of 26 districts with no waiver.

What Makes Up our Tax Rate and How Would it Change?

The District’s total tax rate consists of four rates; one for each of the District’s funds. Under Missouri law, tax dollars collected in each fund can only be used for the purposes of that fund. 

  • Funds 1 & 2 (Incidental and Teachers Fund) provide resources for the daily operations of the district, including payment of salaries and benefits for employees, student transportation, curriculum resources, utilities, insurance, student activities, and other general operating costs.
  • Fund 3 (Debt Service) provides funding to pay interest and principal on the District’s debt (bond issues).
  • Fund 4 (Capital Projects) provides funding to maintain and refresh the District’s facilities and equipment.

The total of these funds results in a total tax rate of $5.0193.
Tax Levy fund buckets illustration
If voters approve the Prop C Waiver and Levy Transfer, the tax rate by fund would change, but the total tax levy would remain unchanged.

Tax Levy fund buckets illustration if question passes

Ballot QuestionBallot Question with Explanation

Where can I get more information?

Visit the Frequently Asked Questions page or attend an Informational Meeting:

  • Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 6:00pm, Platte Purchase Middle School, Flex Performance Space
  • Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 6:00pm, Platte County High School, Cafeteria