Comprehensive Strategic Improvement Plan (CSIP)

Platte County R-3's Comprehensive Strategic Improvement Plan (CSIP) guides the District's improvement.

Comprehensive Strategic Plan-On-A-Page

The Strategic Plan-On-A-Page outlines our direction for continuous improvement. Our Vision, Mission, Values, and Principles of Learning support a culture of accountability, explain our purpose for existence, and describe what our stakeholders should expect from us. This document shall be posted in every room of our district and stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on how we are living our Vision, Mission, Values, and Principles of Learning.




Strategic Plan Update 2025-30 GraphicDuring the 2024-25 school year, Platte County School District will be updating its Strategic Plan for 2025-30, with a focus on involving students, families, staff, and community members in the process. This collaborative effort aims to confirm and refine the district's Vision, Mission, and Values, align the organization around common goals, guide the allocation of fiscal resources, and set a clear direction for PCR-3 over the next 3-5 years.

2024-25 CSIP OverviewClick here for our current CSIP. Our CSIP has five Strategic Focus Areas - Academics, Business, Community-Students, Community-Staff, and Community-Parents and Members. Each Strategic Focus Area has the following:

  • CSIP Strategic Focus Area Goal - a general statement of improvement
  • Goal Champion - the individual ultimately responsible for leading the comprehensive improvement effort related to the goal(s), objective(s), strategies, and action/activities
  • Objective(s) - a measurable indicator of progress (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely)
  • Improvement Action(s)/Strategy(s) - an action/activity expected to improve the organization's performance related to the goal(s) and objective(s)
  • Innovations - improvement projects that are developed to get better results

CSIP Update Cycle

The Platte County School District uses a systematic (repeatable) process for CSIP revision each year. The update cycle is outlined here. The process encompasses a variety of ways to gather stakeholder input in our improvement efforts.

PCR-3 Work System

The Platte County also uses a work system which identifies the District's key processes for improvement. Each key process and school building uses the same framework for continuous improvement in developing and executing its own CSIP. Our Board of Education receives updates and provides input on each of our key processes each month along with scheduled program evaluations. The updates are facilitated by walking through the same framework. The District has also created an aligned framework for our classrooms which creates a systematic process for Quality Continuous Improvement from the classroom to the board room.

If you have any questions regarding the District's CSIP, action plans, or improvement efforts, please contact Dr. Drew White, Deputy Superintendent, at 816.858.5420 x. 2102.