There are several ways for parents and patrons to make sure they have up-to-date District information. PCR-3 wants you to be informed and connected to District and community activities and find the answers to your questions or concerns in the most effective and efficient manner possible.
If you have any questions regarding district communications, please contact Laura Hulett, Director of Communications.
Laura Hulett
Director of Communications
816-858-5420 x. 2104
Communication Matrix
District stakeholders (students, staff, parents, community members) should use our Communication Matrix to address questions and concerns, beginning at level 1. If resolution is not achieved, it is appropriate to move to the next level. Questions, suggestions, comments, complaints, and compliments can also be shared via our “How Are We Doing?” link under the quick links on our website. This process is in alignment with Board Policy KL: Public Concerns and Complaints.
Communication Mediums
The District's means of communicating to our stakeholders are listed below.
Treasures/e-Treasures Newsletter
Platte County School District sends both an electronic newsletter, e-Treasures, and a quarterly mailed newsletter, Treasures, to district patrons. We are excited about the opportunity to share current, important District information on a regular basis.
Subscribe to e-Treasures Electronic Newsletter
Click below to register to receive the monthly issues of e-Treasures, full of the latest news and events via email. You won't want to miss an issue! e-Treasures is sent on the Friday following each monthly Board of Education meeting.
Archived e-Treasures from the Past Year
Mailed Treasures Newsletter
Click here for the latest hard-copy Treasures newsletter. The Treasures newsletter is mailed to all district residents three to four times per calendar year.
Parent Portal
Make sure you have registered with your child's school to have access to Parent Portal. Parent Portal allows you to view your child's grades, attendance, lunch balances, and much more, right from your computer or phone app.
Social Media
Make sure to "like" Platte County R-3 School District's Facebook page to learn about events, see photo album postings, and keep up with all the happenings across the District. This is one of the quickest ways to learn about school closings, too!
Sign up to follow the District on Twitter and Instagram, handle @PlatteCountyR3. Another way to learn about events, latest happenings, cancellations, and the #PCR3Proud stories through short messages and photos.
School Messenger Phone Calls and Text Notifications
School Messenger is our automated phone calling system. PCR-3 must at times contact hundreds of widespread parents quickly for sudden changes in schedules due to emergencies or just important school announcements. The service will simultaneously call all listed phone numbers in our parent contact list and will deliver a recorded message from a school administrator. The service will deliver the message to both live answer and answering machines. If you have any changes to your contact information throughout the school year, please notify your child's school. Text notifications through School Messenger are also available to parents. Your personal information will never be sold or shared. Please check your cell phone plan for any text message fees your provider may charge. You may unsubscribe at any time to School Messenger texts by replying "STOP" to any School Messenger text message.