"Everybody goes home safe today..." This is PCR-3's Transportation Department mantra. The Transportation Department is located at the District Education Center (998 Platte Falls Road, Platte City, MO 64079), and is led by JT Thomas, Transportation Director.
[email protected]
Fax: 816-858-7038

JT Thomas
Director of Transportation
Kimberly Schwichtenberg
Assistant Director of Transportation
Transportation Team
- JT Thomas, Director of Transportation
- Kimberly Schwichtenberg, Assistant Director of Transportation
- Tami Rawlings, Transportation Supervisor/Field Trip Coordinator
- Tiffany Dudley, Driver Trainer/Safety Coordinator
- Christy Szabo, Transportation Router
- Angie Manville, Administrative Assistant, AM dispatcher
- Tina Kaiser, Administrative Assistant, PM dispatcher
- Darrin Jordan, Lead Mechanic
- Brandon Hill, Mechanic
Changes to Student Transportation
To make a long-term transportation change, use the form linked here.
Please notify your student's school office of any address and bus changes as soon as possible so arrangements can be made.
Thank you for your cooperation in our efforts to transport our students - your children - in a safe and timely manner.
School Bus Routes and Numbering
School bus routes are assigned a 3-digit number, beginning with a 100, 200, or a 300 number. Routes numbered in the 100 range serve the 1st tier schools: Platte County High School, Platte City Middle School, and Platte Purchase Middle School. Routes numbered in the 200 range serve the 2nd tier schools: Siegrist Elementary, Compass Elementary, Barry Elementary and Pathfinder Elementary. Routes numbered in the 300 range are Special Needs routes.
Within each of the 100 or 200 ranges, the number of the route will indicate which campus that route serves. Routes numbered from 01 to 49 serve the Platte City Campus; routes numbered from 51 to 99 serve the Barry/Pathfinder campus.
As an example, Route 153 is a 1st-tier route on the Platte Purchase Middle School campus, serving Platte Purchase Middle School. Route 212 would be a 2nd-tier route on the Platte City campus, serving Siegrist Elementary.
Finding your Bus Route
Please choose your child's school from the set of routes to the left. You will be linked to descriptions of all the bus routes. Choose the route number that includes your subdivision, community, area of town, rural area, or childcare. You will then be able to be linked to a list of the scheduled bus stops and/or a map of the route. Note the bus stop where your student will catch the bus and the approximate pick up time. Students are asked to be at their stop at least 5 minutes before the actual time of pick up.
We have made every effort to maximize the efficiency of the bus routes while keeping safety first and foremost in route design, following the state recommendations for school bus stop and route design. For example, the state recommends that bus stops should be at least 500 feet apart, and cul-de-sacs should be avoided whenever possible. The routes were built to accommodate as many students as possible by taking into consideration age and conditions in determining walking distances to stops and stop locations. As such, not all bus stops may be "convenient" and within sight of the student's house. We rely upon parents to partner with the District and take an active role in seeing that their students are escorted to and from their home to the bus stops, if necessary. Please contact the Transportation Department if you find that your address is not reasonably served by one of our current routes.
Missing Property
The Transportation Department will not be responsible for lost, stolen, or missing items that are left on the bus, including but not limited to: electronics, books, backpacks, clothing, or other various personal items. Every effort will be made to find owners of lost property. However, the Transportation Department is not liable for these items if they are left on the bus. The personal property of our passengers is their personal property and their responsibility.