
Medications can be given during school hours when necessary. We encourage dosage schedules which allow medications to be taken before and after school. If a medication is ordered for a specific time or four times or more per day, it may be appropriate for medication to be given at school. Please bring only the amount of medication needed. Contact the health room staff in your child's building with any questions.

If a medication is to be taken for a prolonged period of time, please ask your pharmacist to prepare two prescription bottles - one to stay at school and one to remain at home. We are NOT permitted, by law, to administer any medications brought to school in unlabeled containers. Medications must be in the original container.

All medications will be kept in the health room and no medications will be sent home with a student. Parents may make arrangements with the health room staff for assistance in picking up medications.
Special note: For parents who live in the area of Barry School and attend PCHS - a locked medication box is available to send medications to the high school. Please see the school nurse at Barry School or Pathfinder Elementary for more information.

Prescription Medications at School

  • All prescription medications must have the label attached by the pharmacist/physician and must have the child's name, medication and dosage, and the physician's name. If a question would arise, the health room staff will have the right to refuse administration of the medication until further clarification is received with documentation from the physician. This includes any change in the time or dosage of a medication.
  • A Medication Administration Form must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian.
  • All medications will be kept in the health room.
  • Health room staff may only administer prescription medications as directed by the prescription label. Any change in dosage must have a physician's note until such time the prescription label is changed.
  • First doses of medications will not be administered at school.
  • Parents are required to bring in and pick up all medications.

Non-prescription Medications (over-the-counter medications)

  • All non-prescription medications must be in the original container marked with the student's name and accompanied by a Medication Administration Form.  Medications brought to school in baggies, envelopes or punch out cards will not be accepted or administered and the medications will be held in the Health Room until a parent/guardian can pick up the medication. Only the instructions on the container will be followed unless a physician provides alternate instructions and the smallest dose will be given first to determine effectiveness. For children under 12 years of age, PEDIATRIC or CHILD dosing will be followed - no adult dosage will be given without a physician's note. If a question would arise, the health room staff will have the right to refuse administration of the medication until further clarification is received with documentation from a physician. This includes any change in the time or dosage of a medication.
  • Students may not carry any type of medication with them at school or store medication in a locker unless special written medical authorization (from a physician) requires that to be done.

Homeopathic/Herbal/Alternative Medications

  • The school district will not administer any medication that is not regulated by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration. Therefore all homeopathic and alternative medicines will not be given at school.

Self-Administration of Medication

  • Students in grades K-3 may not self-administer medications. All medications will be kept in the Health Room and administered by the health room staff.
  • Students in grades 4-12 may carry certain medications during school hours with the following information on file in the health room: Permission to Self-Carry Medications.